
Showing posts from 2017
Hey guys! It's Lil, back at it again with the blogging :) Thought I'd just do a mini plans for the future post!! So basically this summer I am planning to pack myself with things to do. Last summer was my travel summer, I was only at home for like, one week. But this summer, I'm staying in my hometown. I'm a lifeguard this summer! (woo) and it pays really well, I'm sure you can't guess what that money will be going towards... I'm also cramming myself with voice lessons and new opportunities, not to mention all of the summer prep classes I'm taking. Other than those things, I am completely free for the entire summer. Though a majority of the extra time I have will probably be spent on friends, I am already in the process of planning several stop motions including maybe a movie? We all know how that worked out last time so I'm not sure yet. There are still around 3 months left of school *cries*, and I'll probably be devoting them all to